Welcome to our Creator Coffee Chat: Presented By the TrendTok App where you get to learn about the very best tips, tricks and advice for growing your TikTok account from viral creators! We know that growing your TikTok account can feel overwhelming at times, so we’re breaking down the strategy that these creators used to help you through the process! Whether you’re a new creator on the platform that hasn’t chosen their username yet or a creator with a huge following behind you, we believe that this series will provide you with some new insights that you can apply to your TikTok strategy!
Today’s coffee chat is with Maria Hill! Maria (@mediummariahill). Maria is a professional psychic medium so she is able to connect to those who have passed on in the after life. She is also a tarot reader, reiki master, as well as an intuitive healer.
Maria wasn’t too sure about TikTok at first and thought it was for young people. One day, she heard a message saying “Make a TikTok”, and so she did and everything followed from there!
We asked Maria to share some advice, tips and thoughts with us that could help creators with their TikTok journey!
What was the process behind creating your first video on the platform? How did it feel?
With TikTok I wanted to create a personal account actually because I wanted a space to be more of a creative and express myself. I wanted to have creative freedom behind it and have fun with it. With the first video, it had a lot of filters on it: an alien filter face and air bubbles coming out of my nose, explaining that I’m a psychic medium and how I receive information. It was a very funny and silly video.
How did your first video perform? What was your reaction to it’s performance?
It got traction and I was pleasantly surprised because people didn’t find my gifts to be weird, which I was somewhat afraid of. Instead they were curious and wanted to learn more.
How did you decide what kind of content you wanted to post on your platform or what audience you wanted to reach?
I didn’t focus on what audience to reach at all because this was more of a creative and personal account. I wanted to put out there what was on my mind. The content I posted was more so educational because there’s a lot of misleading information out there when it comes to the spirituality industry. I love teaching people and get a lot of enjoyment out of it.
What advice do you have for creators that are still trying to find their niche on TikTok?
Have fun with it. Always feel free to test things out and see what works and what doesn’t. You’d be surprised at which content is popular, but don’t post things just for popularity’s sake. Talk about what’s important to you, your story, and experiences.
How many videos did you post before you had your first “viral video”?
I posted pretty often throughout the week but it took about 8 months before I had a huge viral video and that was about the topic of reincarnation and clairalience (psychic sense of smelling).
What did it feel like when you realized your video was going viral?
I couldn’t believe it. With the share rate and comments coming in, I felt surprised and overwhelmed.
What happens when one of your videos does not perform how you expected? Do you ever recreate or repost the video?
No, I don’t. I just move on and try a new topic to talk about.
What advice do you have for creators on creating the TikTok videos? Any there any tools or softwares that you use?
Just be yourself. Don’t put so much pressure yourself, and have fun. As long as you’re helping the community, people will come to you. A lot of times when doing informational topics, a lot of your content can be based around what questions are being asked. You can always do a post responding to commonly asked questions.
Do you ever get nervous posting on TikTok? If so, how do you deal with it?
In the beginning, I was nervous more so because I didn’t know how people would react to the types of content that I was posting. Now I’ve gotten used to it and after seeing all these comments roll in and the curiosity of others, it's given me a boost of motivation to keep educating and teaching others about the metaphysical and spiritual realm which can be complicated and vast. It’s such a huge topic.
How do you keep your community/followers engaged with you and your content on TikTok?
I go on TikTok lives often to discuss certain topics or to have random Q&As where people can ask me any questions about spirituality, crystals, tarot, mediumship, energy healing, and things of that nature. The discussion is so big that I can spend hours on a live. They typically can run over 2 hours.
How do you handle the negative comments on the platform?
Know that there are cruel people out there that are angry at the world. They will say unkind things to you because it can make them feel more powerful about their own lives. This tore me up at first, but then I realized I don’t know them. They don’t know me, and I shouldn’t care about what they think. They aren’t the people following our content and joining us on our journey. They are just popping in, making flash judgments and trolling. You have to not feed or respond to them because that’s exactly what they want.
What’s one thing you wish you knew when you were first starting out on the platform?
Being a shy person and an introvert, I have not enjoyed putting myself out there on social media. I had to overcome the fear of people seeing me and having eyes on me. It turns out that when you’re just authentically yourself and you don’t let fear be the driving force, things can manifest so much faster.
Who are some of your favorite TikTokers or accounts to follow?
Hopemedium and meganalisamedium are some
What is next for you on the platform, anything we should be on the lookout for?
I have a business account that I post on @thehappyhealingshop which also has great content. There are more community events that I do there, as well as webinars and courses that I teach with my business partner, Trang.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
We have a website full of resources to help people find clarity, healing, and enjoyment through different tools and modalities. We offer free amazing community events. We also teach courses like how to develop your intuition and psychic abilities, reiki master certifications, and our newest course “How to start your own spiritual business”. On our site, we also offer a free quiz “Which Psychic Ability Do You Have?”.
Where can our readers connect with you?
Our website is thehappyhealingshop.com. Our instagram/FB/TikTok is @thehappyhealingshop
We loved chatting with Maria and if you enjoyed her coffee chat, make sure that you check her out on TikTok! And drop a comment on her video that you saw her here on the TrendTok Coffee Chat series!!
This series is presented by the TrendTok App, the platform for TikTok Analytics that helps creators go viral! Check it out here!